Compatibility: Springfield Armory XDS Gen 1 - Pre-Recall
We believe that the more you know about your firearms the better. The more intent you are with your firearms the wiser it is for you to know when issues arise and diagnose problems. Here at Tacticool we created a master class series of detail disassembly guides.
This is six part article series focusing on the complete 100% detail disassembly of the Springfield Armory XDS pistol Gen 1 Pre-Recall pistol.
We have broken the six part series into the following sections to make it easier to follow and focus on the following areas. If you follow the series by the end of this master class you will have ended up with a nice pile of parts, which you can then throw it into reverse, putting everything back together.
Springfield Armory does not recommend further disassembly of the frame. "Further dismantling is not necessary and should only be done by Springfield, Inc. or a qualified pistolsmith". Pg 26 XDS operation and safety manual.
These instructions are for informational use only and should only be attempted by trained individuals. If you are unsure and/or do not have the right tools and training please do not attempt.