Accessories, Sights, Reviews James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself! Accessories, Sights, Reviews James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself!


Advantage Tactical Sights manufactures probably one of the most customizable sights on the market today. Also a first as far as I know this is the only “Fixed” sight system that allows you to change both elevation as well as windage

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XS Sights R3D 2.0 Gun Sights
Accessories, Sights James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself! Accessories, Sights James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself!

XS Sights R3D 2.0 Gun Sights

Empowering the GOOD GUY to be more prepared, confident, and self-reliant with functional weapon upgrades.

Since XS Sights was founded in 1996, it has built a reputation of quality American-made products that showcase innovative solutions. They originally turned heads with their Express (dot-the-i) system of sights. Revolutionary at the time

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Springfield Armory Hex Red Dots
Gear, Sights James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself! Gear, Sights James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself!

Springfield Armory Hex Red Dots

The Hex Wasp is in the micro red dot class, and in fact uses the same footprint as the Shield RMSc/J-point. The Micro red dot is meant for small pistols like the Hellcat and XDS. And since Springfield uses one of the industry standard foot prints, while the Hex sights are Springfield products, I bet they would work on different brands of pistols as well.

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Sights, Pistols James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself! Sights, Pistols James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself!


The new sight is going to be called the TFX. Truglo bills the TFX sight system as the next generation of TFO with some of the following features. 

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