Quick Tech Tip - Springfield OSP plate Removal & Red Dot Battery Change

This seems like it should be easy, but I see plenty of people that have trouble removing their screws. Hopefully this will help you from stripping out your screws. I take a bunch of these apart and this is what I do and have never stripped a screw.

Tools of the Trade
Allen key/hex Bits/Hex Driver
Torx Bit/Driver/key

Dremel Tool with cut off wheel (only if you have to "refresh" your driver

James "the XDMAN" Nicholas Mr. UnPewFessional Himself!

World famous Gun Mechanic extraordinaire, the most awesome person I know, also one hell of a sexy bitch. As a Gunsmith and Media Personality. Mr. UnPewFessional Himself! Studied Reading at The Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too. Using the lessons learned and honed over the years while not taking himself too seriously to teach others to excel at mediocrity.


Quick Tech Tip - Springfield Armory PDW Hate Brake Removal